Tuesday 10 March 2015

Me & Mrs Fisher (Revisited), Lord Mayor's Walk, York

Coffee House: Me & Mrs Fisher, Lord Mayor's Walk, York

Drink: Latte

Cake: Carrot Cake

We (as in Mulholland) played the Gaslight in Leeds last night (top venue/night) and amongst the songs we did in the set was a self penned one called Summertime. Rather like the bit in Men In Black (2?) where the girl being unhappy causes it to rain, the song tells of how feelings and the weather are all entangled. A sunny days makes you feel good. A grey/damp day makes you feel down. Snow/Rain seems to affect people differently. Generally not a fan of either but do remember walking back from a gig with Ann in the early hours, being literally soaked to the skin and feeling brilliant.

So the weather affects your spirits, and your spirits affect your perception of the weather if not the phenomenon itself. But what is this weather thing? I know (well I sort of understand) that it's all about different air pressures and temperatures and stuff. And this leads to clouds and rain and whatever. But what is it with the seasons? Why is it warmer in the summer (broadly) and colder in the winter? I had thought it was something to do with how far the earth was from the sun as it moved on its elliptical path. But that would make it colder across the planet. Why is it warmer in Australia when in half a turn of the globe we're in exactly the same place in relation to the sun?

There's probably a 'rational' answer but ignoring it for the minute, I reckon a lot of what we take for granted is based on belief rather than fact. Take the universe for example. Science tell us that it's made up of literally billions of stars i.e. millions of millions (possibly, of millions) of stars/suns and we're on this planet circling around just one.

Well assume for a minute that this is accurate then what is beyond the last star. The answer seems to be in this model of science - nothing. Well I for one can't get my head around either the scale of the universe as described or the idea of it existing surrounded by nothing, or even worse that it's infinite. You might as well believe in a god, which many people dismiss as irrational. Seems that to believe in nothingness and/or the infinite is all about belief not 'science'

After saying that, you have to just accept a lot of stuff and move on or you'd go mad. I studied maths at college for a while and struggled when we moved onto infinite series. I would argue with the lecturer  that it didn't make any sense but the branch of logic only worked if you did

I think I'm going to track down the flat earth society and maybe join them. If they exist then they would hopefully live in a world that makes more sense - go too far and you fall off the edge. Seems like a good maxim for living. But like Groucho Marx "I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member" Not big on joining, or clubs, or gangs. Surprising I'm in a band really

Not a single cloud in the sky
Though it's winter I don't question why
It's like summertime, you make it summertime
With you and me, it'll always be summertime